10 HOURS - $650
20 HOURS - $1200
30 HOURS - $1650
40 HOURS - $2000
Installment payments available.
À la carte hours available at a cost of $100/hour. This price can be negotiable, depending upon instructor availability. Packages offer a significant discount over the cost of à la carte hours. All discounts predicated on making full payment.”
“All in-person instruction packages are custom priced. Prices are usually 2 to 4 times the on line options.
Installment payments available. Sessions in-person must last a minimum of 2 hours.
Please inquire at atxlsat@gmail.com if you have any questions.”
At other test prep companies, you're not just paying for private instruction. You're paying for executive salaries, accountants, and corporate offices.
At ATX LSAT, every dollar goes towards your education, your self-improvement, and increases your chances of getting admitted to the best law schools in the country.
Compare our pricing with that of other test prep companies for a 15 hour tutoring package:
ATX LSAT: $555
Kaplan Test Prep: $2,599
Princeton Review: $2,325 - $4,650
Powerscore: $1,825
Invest in yourself, not someone else. Sign up for your free 60 minute consultation today.